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Grey Area Drinking

Sarah Connelly Tapped In

What's it all about?

If you think that alcohol is taking more from you than it's giving back then you're in the right place.

Whether you know exactly what you want for yourself or you just know exactly what you don't want I am here to help because I was there too.

I was a grey area drinker. I wasn't happy with my drinking but I didn't identify as an alcoholic. I needed help to quit, but I didn't want to go to re-hab or AA. I did both.

I wanted to live an uncompromised life. I wanted fun, adventure, excitement and freedom and I didn't want to feel deprived, excluded or judged.

I found these deprivation models very challenging and eventually found joy and freedom in living alcohol-free by focusing on what I was getting, not what I was giving up. 

I have created this for my life and you can too. 

So let’s get started..

Is alcohol taking more from you than it's giving?

Your self-respect, health, family, relationships, wealth and peace of mind?

If the answer is yes then now is the time.

Instead of quitting alcohol

- Quit hangovers
- Quit anxiety and depression
- Quit irritability
- Quit lack of motivation and self loathing
- Quit living at a 6 out of 10.

Can you begin to see that when you stop drinking alcohol it is the beginning of your life, not the end?

Imagine finding ways to have all the 'upsides' you think you get from drinking, without alcohol.

-Adventure and even escapism

WITHOUT having to deal with the aftermath?

The fact is you can.

I know, because I, and many others are doing it.

And my job is to help you find out how.

- How long are you prepared to wait before you decide to wake up to a life that you're at peace with?

- How much more time will you waste making excuses?

- How much longer will you tell yourself one day?

If alcohol is taking more than it's giving, isn't it time to believe in yourself instead of the bottle?

If so I can help.

I was tired of feeling flat, irritable and semi-present.

I knew I was wasting my life, operating at half mast and feeling average.

I wasn't proud of who I was being as a parent, partner, friend, business owner or human being.

And I knew alcohol was my achilles heel.

I knew that if I wanted to realise my full potential, have self-respect and live according to my values I needed to make a change.

Can you relate? Then it's time for you to experience what life is like alcohol-free.

Try it on for size.

Give yourself, and those in your life, the chance to experience you without the alcohol filter.

If you're up for the challenge I can help. In fact I'd love to.

1:1 Coaching

One on one coaching is a great way to explore and unravel what it is that you, as a unique individual, need to get off the drinking roller coaster.

In our coaching together we will discover the combination of tools, resources and practices that you need to make your growth manageable, enjoyable and, most importantly, sustainable.

My goal is to uplift and inspire you, so that you feel excited about a future with less or no alcohol and have someone to lean on when inevitable stumbling blocks arise along the way.
What you will discover is an understanding of how and why you've got stuck, but, most importantly, you will gather the tools you need to step into an exciting life of freedom.

If you are willing to experience how 30 days or more alcohol-free feels, and to learn more about what is possible for you without alcohol, book a free 30 minute call here and I'll tell you all about it.

Coaching Includes:
- One on One coaching calls

- Daily check in to keep you accountable

- Resources and tools tailored to your interest and goals.

- Motivation. Support and Accountability. No excuses.

In our coaching you will find everything you need to start exploring an exciting life alcohol-free life, without judgement and shame.

I look forward to working with you

90 Day Group Coaching Program
February 2022 .

Receive information on my signature group program beginning 1st Feb 2022


A little more about me

I work with both men and women who want to embrace their uniqueness and step up. Those who believe alcohol is getting in the way of them living the extraordinary life they know they are capable of living.
Since 2003 I have completed two life and mindset coaching certifications, and most recently became a Certified Master Grey Area Drinking coach under Jolene Park. I am also a certified yoga and mindfulness instructor and volunteer for a youth mentoring program. 
Being raised by a scientist and a mathematician I am also hard-wired to seek facts and proof to support my learnings and beliefs. I observe in the many people I have met and coached on this path, a drive to seek more from life, and from themselves. I also often see an increased sensitivity to environment and susceptibility to the many distractions available that help us escape from intense feelings, or amplify feelings of excitement and adventure.  Alcohol achieves both goals, short term

Non-Alc champagne featured here!

I am currently researching the HSP* trait and how it may play a significant role in driving many to seek escape from, or to fit in to, this increasingly frantic world. A world not really designed for the 20%-25% of the population who are HSP. 
If you’d like to have a chat about how I can help you, HSP or not.


*HSP is a Highly Sensitive Person. It is a trait. Negative connotations can come with the word sensitive, but in this context it simply means we navigate and process the world a little differently. 25% of the population are HSPS and the trait has been identified in over 100 species. Simply put we are deep feelers and deep thinkers with many gifts to offer the world, specifically strong intuition and sensitivity to others, which helps a lot as a Coach. 





Sarah is truly AMAZING!

I have worked with her over the past months and she has lead me to incredible insights about myself and my world.  She has an incredible way to make you feel comfortable and accepted.  Her warm voice and laughter made me feel happy and made the learning process fun! Each time I was with her I learned more about myself and was able to reach deep inside to pull out the nuggets of Gold which have lead me to personal growth for a lifetime.

Sheila Moore  – Portland, USA.

I was delighted to mentor Sarah and have since invited her to join my P90 program as a coach.

Sarah brings a variety of valuable skills to the team, incorporating both mindset and mindfulness techniques which are integral to the unique and powerful coaching we offer in the P90 program.

James Swanwick

Founder P90 and

I was coached by Sarah for 3 months and came away with so much more knowledge and confidence than I can relate. Sarah coaches with a very positive, fun and science based method that encompasses our life as a whole. She is very passionate about being alcohol free and that enthusiasm rubs off. I can’t thank Sarah enough for what I’ve learnt off her and would recommend her coaching to anyone.

Shane 31 yr old tradie – VIC


Sarah is an amazing listener that observes every detail focusing on what is important to you as an individual.

Working with her has provided me with many ideas and thought provoking moments that have allowed me to stop, reassess and make changes to my personal life .

Sarah has a vast range of knowledge and skills that can be applied to many different individuals.   I would highly recommend her to anyone that is seeking balance, life purpose, drive and to reignite passion and zest for life.

Joanna Boyd, Business Owner, QLD


I came to Sarah when I was ready to make fundamental changes to my life. I was stuck in a rut and had become too dependent upon alcohol. I knew I wanted to make changes but wasn’t sure how to go about it. With Sarah’s support and encouragement I felt ready to make changes and I actually felt excited to be taking the plunge!  I found every session uplifting, reassuring and invigorating.  Sarah has the experience, the knowledge and the tools to help, I couldn’t have done it without her. Today I feel so much more energised, more in control and more fulfilled.

Carolyn, Retired Senior Executive, BT, UK

Working with Sarah has been the most joyful and inspiring experience. She has an innate and highly intuitive way of honing in on the root of a problem or challenge, and does so with the utmost empathy, compassion and kindness. We have not only worked through some obstacles that I had thought unworkable, but the progress has been both enlightening and inspiring. I would recommend Sarah to anyone looking for an extremely qualified and effective coach.

Maddy Mursa,

Founder of Sister Sister Coaching


I am not an addiction therapist or counsellor. I do not work with those using marijuana, painkillers, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, etc with alcohol or in place of alcohol or if you have an eating disorder.
This coaching is NOT a replacement for an addiction treatment program. 
 Coaching helps you re-train and re-wire your brain. It is designed to balance and replenish your body and mind so you are in a strong and resourceful state in which to explore and adopt healthier habits and routines once you’ve made the decision to stop drinking


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